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Publisher's Note: Errors in equations in the 'Methods' section, under the subheading 'Signal processing'

Posted by PLOS_CompBiol on 13 Nov 2012 at 15:44 GMT

Signal processing

1) In the Methods section, under the subheading ‘Signal processing’, an error was introduced during the preparation of this manuscript in the equation for power spectral density in the section 'Power spectral snapshots'. The absolute value symbols are not full size. Please view the complete, correct equation here:

2) In the Methods section, under the subheading ‘Signal processing’, an error was introduced during the preparation of this manuscript in the equation for the time-varying Fourier component in the section 'Dynamic power spectral measures.' The equation erroneously contains the string 'FONTNOTVALID (f,t)' in the place of the \phi (\zeta, \tau). Please view the complete, correct equation here:

3) In the Methods section, under the subheading ‘Signal processing’, an error was introduced during the preparation of this manuscript in the equation for \chi_k in the section 'Broadband coupling to low-frequency phase'. The subscript in the equation has a font size larger than the text that it is subscript to. Please view the complete, correct equation here:

4) In the Methods section, under the subheading ‘Signal processing’, an error was introduced during the preparation of this manuscript in the equation for Overlap in the section entitled 'Quantifying overlap in spatial distribution'. The equation erroneously contains \arrow{AB}. Please view the complete, correct equation here:

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