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Publisher's Note: Error in Reference 25

Posted by PLOS_CompBiol on 05 Aug 2011 at 13:28 GMT

Recently, Bonneau et al. [25] have proposed a Boolean-network model of the comprehensive repertoire of CD4+ T cell phenotypes, including TH17 and iTreg cells.

There is an error in reference 25. An additional author was incorrectly inserted as the first author of the paper.
The correct reference is: Naldi A, Carneiro J, Chaouiya C, Thieffry D (2010) Diversity and plasticity of Th cell types predicted from regulatory network modelling. PLoS Comput Biol 6: e1000912.

In the fifth paragraph of the Introduction, the fourth sentence refers to the incorrect first author of reference 25. The correct sentence is: "Recently, Naldi et al. [25] have proposed a Boolean-network model of the comprehensive repertoire of CD4+ T cell phenotypes, including TH17 and iTreg cells".

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