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STDP + natural movies lead to V1 RFs

Posted by tmasquelier on 28 Oct 2011 at 16:03 GMT

We are currently developing models that incorporate spike timing dependent learning rules, applied to time-varying image stimuli such as natural movies

In that case, you may be interested in this recent paper:

Masquelier T. Relative spike time coding and STDP-based orientation selectivity in the early visual system in natural continuous and saccadic vision: a computational model (in press). J Comput Neurosc

in which, among other things, we show how V1 RFs could be learned from natural movies thanks to STDP. Interestingly, a certain level of sparseness is required, because this leads to fine scale spike time correlations that STDP can pick.

There is much room for improvement though, because we did not get all the full diversity of V1 RF you obtained in this paper. So keep up the good work!

Tim Masquelier

No competing interests declared.