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Publisher's Note: Errors in PDF version of article

Posted by PLOS_CompBiol on 29 Apr 2013 at 13:22 GMT

There are 2 formatting errors in the PDF version of the manuscript. In the Discussion section, under the heading “Robustness against node failure might be an additional constraint” an alpha symbol has been replaced by several lines of unnecessary characters in the final sentence. The correct sentence should read “In conclusion, the robustness requirement might be an additional important factor that generates the evolutionary pressure for the real networks to have more hubs, so that both in Macaque cortical network and C. elegans neuronal networks, the competition between the two constraints is settled down to a regime with α smaller, but very close to 1.0.”
Additionally, earlier in the paragraph, at the top of the second column of page 14, the sentence “Thus, while hubs enhance the processing efficiency significantly, they are also the points of vulnerability to pathological damage” should include reference citation [52] at the end of the sentence.

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