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Open Access material

Posted by lissacoffey on 18 Jun 2015 at 04:50 GMT

The publication and management of Open Access material now plays a central role in the academic research infrastructure, although its impact may differ across disciplines. If, as Heather Joseph of SPARC has written in College and Research Library News, "the full accessibility and utility of articles is a critical part of the design of the research system," then how can the library ensure that this material, which may be generated via an array of various processes from multiple sources, is easily available for its patrons to discover and use? Join NISO's presenters for a lively discussion on this timely topic.Limited discoverability has been one of the major barriers for the adoption of open-access practices by researchers. However, with the emergence of library discovery systems, the findability of scholarly content has entered a new era, regardless of the business model according to which scholarly materials are published. As a content-neutral technology provider, Ex Libris furnishes libraries with the technological infrastructure that enables their users to take advantage of the full spectrum of materials they need—open-access as well as subscribed materials. Furthermore, the technology helps libraries expose the content stored in their institutional repositories, thus facilitating the institutions’ dissemination of their researchers’ output.

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