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January 2006

The spatial organization of genomes is highly nonrandom and often exhibits periodic patterns. Shown here is a contour plot that highlights the degree of pattern correlation across multiple genome-scale datasets for Escherichia coli (identified using wavelet analysis). The overlap in these spatial patterns reveals that genome design involves a sophisticated multi-parameter, multi-length scale organization that is not solely dependent upon information content (see Allen et al).

Image Credit: Image generated by Timothy E. Allen using MATLAB software (The MathWorks).


Welcome to PLoS Computational Biology “Education”

Fran Lewitter

Research Articles

Computational Analysis and Prediction of the Binding Motif and Protein Interacting Partners of the Abl SH3 Domain

Tingjun Hou, Ken Chen, William A McLaughlin, Benzhuo Lu, Wei Wang

Long-Range Periodic Patterns in Microbial Genomes Indicate Significant Multi-Scale Chromosomal Organization

Timothy E Allen, Nathan D Price, Andrew R Joyce, Bernhard Ø Palsson

Signal Processing in the TGF-β Superfamily Ligand-Receptor Network

Jose M. G Vilar, Ronald Jansen, Chris Sander

Unusual Intron Conservation near Tissue-Regulated Exons Found by Splicing Microarrays

Charles W Sugnet, Karpagam Srinivasan, Tyson A Clark, Georgeann O'Brien, Melissa S Cline, Hui Wang, Alan Williams, David Kulp, John E Blume, David Haussler, Manuel Ares Jr.

Genome-Wide Identification of Human Functional DNA Using a Neutral Indel Model

Gerton Lunter, Chris P Ponting, Jotun Hein