# Change the extension of the file to .ode to run it with XPPAUT, Winpp or Oscill8 # Hong, Zamborszky, Csikasz-Nagy # Minimum Criteria for DNA Damage-Induced Phase Advances in Circadian Rhythms # parameters for the messenger RNA of the clock protein (Per mRNA) par n=2, J=0.3, kms=1, kmd=0.1, Dex=0 # parameters for the clock protein (PER) par kcps=0.5, kcpd=0.525, ka=100, kd=0.01, kp1=10, Jp=0.05, Chk2=0 # parameters for the dimer clock protein (PER/PER) par kcp2d=0.0525, kp2=0.1 # parameters for the transcription factor (BMAL1/CLK) and its inhibition par kicd=0.01, kica=20, TFtot=0.5, Chk2C=0 # differential equations # Messenger RNA of the clock proteins (Per mRNA): M'=Dex+kms*TF^n/(J^n+TF^n)-kmd*M # Monomer clock proteins (PER): CP'=kcps*M-kcpd*CP-2*ka*CP^2+2*kd*CP2-kp1*CP/(Jp+CP+2*CP2+2*IC)-Chk2*CP # Dimer form of clock proteins (PER/PER): CP2'=ka*CP^2-kd*CP2-kcp2d*CP2+kicd*IC-kica*CP2*TF-kp2*CP2/(Jp+CP+2*CP2+2*IC)-Chk2*CP2 # Transcription factor (BMAL1/CLK): TF'=kcp2d*IC+kicd*IC-kica*TF*CP2+kp2*IC/(Jp+CP+2*CP2+2*IC)+Chk2c*IC # Inactive complex of clock dimers and transcription factor: IC= TFtot-TF # Total amount of clock proteins (PER on Fig. 2): CPtot=CP+2*CP2+2*IC # initial conditions init M=1.4 init CP=0.037 init CP2=0.046 init TF=0.13 done