% Please rename the file extractdata2.m % extract data from multiple files 2 indices (works for simple index too) % S Bernard samubernard@gmail.com vars = who('*BM_*'); % change '*BM_*' as needed nvar = length(vars); clear sorted clear m clear n % sort the files with 2 indices of the form 'file_m_n': the index m comes after the first '_' and n after the % second '_' for j=1:nvar, k=0; while (double(vars{j}(end-k))~=95), k=k+1; end n(j)=str2double(vars{j}(end-k+1:end)); k2=1; while (double(vars{j}(end-k-k2))~=95), k2=k2+1; end m(j)=str2double(vars{j}(end-k-k2+1:end-k-1)); end for i=1:nvar, bm_out(m(i),n(i))=eval([vars{i} '(end,7)']); % here the output is column 7: total cell number at tfinal end